ActionAid Zambia
Child Sponsorship Project Documentation
ActionAid Zambia (AAZ) is a member of the ActionAid Global Federation, dedicated to advancing social change for a just, equitable, and sustainable world. We collaborate with marginalized and excluded women and young people, along with their organizations and movements, to address the root causes of social injustice, gender inequality, and poverty. Our head office is located at 38G Kabulonga Road, Ibex Hill, Lusaka.
The overall objective of the assignment is to update the existing booklet (62 pages) and good practices on applying Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) principles in its programming work in the following areas: Nakonde and Lavushimanda (Mpika) Muchinga Province, Mpulungu and Senga Hill (Mbala) Northern Province. While in western province the target districts are Lukulu, Nalolo and Sesheke.
Specific Tasks
Updated booklet showing the following:
1. Impact of Child Sponsorship activities in the identified districts showing the before and after situation. This will include numbers in terms of total catchment population, how many have been reached/benefited, clearly disaggregating women, youth and children.
2. To show the impact of program work in the lives of the beneficiaries and its sustainability. This means demonstrating how lives of few selected individuals at community level have positively changed because of the program (success stories). This will include knowledge gained and how the community plan to sustain the program.
3. Beneficiaries’ reflections on activities implemented in their respective areas.
a) Produce a Short Video/Documentary: Highlighting impactful achievements and lessons learned in the implementation of Child Sponsorship activities
b) Photo story book: Compile photos and produce a photo story book in accordance with agreed format
A4 in print ready format or any size with prior approval of the technical team.
Booklets should be shared both in print ready and editable format (Open files).
These videos should be those which will be shared into digital media/social media.
- A finalized booklet in print ready version.
- A Short Video Documentary
- A Photo Story Book
The assignment will involve a desk review of existing reports and travelling to the Local Rights Programmes and interact with beneficiaries and implementers.
The assignment is expected to be undertaken for 30 working days inclusive of validation/feedback processes after signing of the contract.
- At least 5 years work experience in videography and photography in producing development work related reports, policy briefs for both international and local organizations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences.
- Local knowledge of the provinces and languages in the project areas namely Muchinga, Northern and Western Provinces.
- Evidence of previous similar work.
- Knowledge of laws and policies in Zambia relevant to safeguarding and protection.
- Commitment to ActionAid’s Feminist Principles and Human Rights-Based Approach.
Applications hard copies (Cover Letter, Company Profile, Technical and Financial Proposals) to be addressed to the: Programs Manager and clearly marked as follows: “Documentation Child Sponsorship Work” be delivered to 38G, Kabulonga Road, Ibex Hill, P.O Box 51407, Lusaka on Friday 1st November 2024.
ActionAid Zambia
How to apply
To apply for this job email your details to